Bring forth your unshakeable strength without compromising your light

Super Sensitive is a self-led study on how to reclaim your sensitivity as a superpower. Build a foundation of loving your sensitive soul to create safety in going out in the world as your true most vibrant self.

This is for the creative, colorful, sensitive woman who is ready to break free of any limitation holding her back from full self-expression, confidence, and magnetism when she walks into any room.

In this 12-lesson video course, you will fall in love with being sensitive, get clear on social conditioning around what ‘sensitive’ means (and re-define it for yourself), learn to protect your energy and begin to unearth the higher purpose of this gift.


Can you relate?

Have you been told to “toughen up” and “just get over it,” as if your feelings are “bad”?

Is saying “no” so uncomfortable, you avoid it at all costs especially with the people you care about most?

Are you being swayed back and forth with your self-image because someone thought, said, or did something?

Are you retreating from the world, disconnecting from friends, or saying no to opportunities because you’re afraid of feeling overwhelmed and drained?

OR are you so out in the world you’re on the edge of burn out?

Do you believe the only way to be successful or feel proud of your contribution to your people and the world is to work harder, faster, hustle and beat out the competition?

I’ve been in all of these places. i feel you!

Super Sensitive is for you if…

You want to bring forth your unshakeable strength without compromising your beautiful light and softness

You want to be fully magnetic when you walk into any room, effortlessly attracting good, positive, loving energy from other beings

You see beyond the surface level and want to use this for good, to witness your own power, and raise collective consciousness

You want to dedicate your life to creating and also get paid for your awakening!!

You dream of a career path that is successful, fulfilling, and awe-inspiring yet also driven by a more sensitive, and loving perception of the world

You are a cozy homebody AND/OR you love being seen and out in the world (yes, you can have both. it’s just about balance!)

This is not for you if you want to stay in the victim seat!


Re-prioritizing YOU in your life

Re-wiring your mind, relationship to yourself, your true art, your daily routines, mental conversations, the speed with which you approach life all based on your bigger vision

Giving yourself permission to do less because your worth is not tied to your productivity

Saying “no” without feeling bad; knowing that when you say “no,” you liberate others

Changing your energy so you begin attracting what you really want and energetically saying no to what’s not desirable

Witnessing your inner goddess getting brighter and more vibrant because you sit in the fire of your feminine feeling

Embodying such a powerful level of inner peace from accepting the full spectrum of human experiences that other people want to know what secret diet, drug, serum or superfood you’ve been on!

Imagine being a powerful and magnetic leader because you trust your emotions, your body’s signals, and your heart-led decision-making



a one-time payment of


for all of this goodness :)


I invite you to tune into your own schedule, commitments, and understanding of how you work best, to determine a pace that feels good and sustainable



  • Unlimited access to a 12-lesson video course with my proven methods to build a foundation of loving your sensitive soul to create safety in going out in the world as your true most vibrant self while beginning to unravel your magic, the gifts you’ve received from the universe this lifetime

  • Powerful meditation/visualizations within the course to re-code your being on a deeeeep level!

  • Journaling prompts complimentary with each lesson to unearth answers from within



1.     Changing the Definition

2.     A Celebration

3.     What ‘Sensitive’ Isn’t

4.     Current Programming

5.     Self-Worth

6.     Who Am I?

7.     Letting Go of Taking Things Personally

8.     Saying ‘No’

9.     Permission to Chill, to Be Enough

10.  My Magic

11.  Integration

12.  Love All Around


Hi there! I’m Shauna, the creator of Super Sensitive.

This course was created from a desire to free up the cloud of self-limitations blocking beautiful sensitive souls from stepping into their power and into leadership roles. The world benefits greatly from sensitive leaders who see clearly.

It bugged me that for so long, I was told my “sensitivity” was bad, a weakness. I thought I had to change or hide parts of who i am to feel successful, happy, and confident! It was so conflicting to try to be myself but also try to “be tough.”

The solution is Super Sensitive, a video course where I teach how to re-wire how we see “sensitivity” so that sensitive souls like you and me can not only find inner peace, but also tap into this superpower to not only feel freedom and clarity and lightness but also to turn up the vibrance, impact and buzz around everything we do!!

As sensitive souls, we see SO much not just with our eyes, but with our knowing, heart, taste, hearing, smell (that’s a big one for me!) and more. It’s time we honor this, clarify the higher purpose of this gift, get out of the victim seat and into the seat of our power and true purpose!!

 You’re here. You’ve arrived. You’ve made it. Now let’s play!!

