Welcome to the Maine Moon Retreat!

The Maine Moon Retreat (5.11 - 5.15.23) is for the woman who wants deep rejuvenation on a soul-level. She knows how to work hard and to sacrifice for her long term goals, but she craves time and space to gain perspective on her current life's trajectory.

The retreat provides a safe and playful environment for guests to disconnect from the outside world to ground, de-stress, get off their screens and reconnect with themselves. Every detail of the retreat is intentionally designed for guests to increase confidence and self-worth, overcome perfectionist tendencies, and re-evaluate the speed at which they are currently moving through their lives


(Subject to change 😊)

Day 1 - all guests arrive by 4pm, get settled into rooms, little welcome ceremony with herbal tea, snacks, then family dinner

Day 2 - 6am optional yoga, opening ceremony, brunch, womb wisdom workshop with special guest, sweat lodge ceremony in late afternoon, dinner 🐆🌹

Day 3 - 7am easy hike nearby, breakfast, flower crown, herbalism, and floral essence workshop at a dear friend’s farm, light lunch, late afternoon cacao ceremony + ecstatic dance 🍫🌸👑

Day 4 - Either an integration day with workshops, sharing circles, and group coaching OR a final ceremony led by Shauna depending on the energy of the moment, indigo dying in the late afternoon then family dinner 😉

Day 5 - 7am optional yoga, 8:45am closing ceremony and final sharing circle, 10:30am goodbye brunch, 1pm check out

Spots available! (3 rooms total for 4 - 5 guests)

  • Private king room with your own full bathroom (AVAILABLE)

    Enjoy your own very personal space and attached full bath to rest and recharge in between activities, workshops, and ceremonies. You can open the sliding doors to an attached office space with a water view. You are welcome to share this room with a friend. There is 1 king bed.

  • Private king room with shared full bathroom (SOLD OUT!)

    Get cozy in this king bedroom with a water view to replenish your energy in between activities, workshops, and ceremonies. Use the quiet personal space to reflect on your learnings from the day. You are welcome to share this room with a friend. There is 1 king bed.

  • Shared bedroom with 2 queen beds and shared bathroom (SOLD OUT)

    There are 2 spots available in this room. Past guests have said they got the best sleep in this room because there is only 1 window in the attached closet. Another upside is getting to have sleepover vibes with your roomie. :)

🌷 Spring ‘23 Retreat Facilitators 🌼

  • Carla Sanders of Cosmic Crone

    Womb Wisdom Workshop Facilitator, Sweat-lodge Ceremony Leader

    So that a woman can fully embody her power, she must know the power of her womb. We will ritually experience the Earth-Womb connection, the Womb-Heart connection, and the Cosmic Womb connection.

    The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is a model of the Cosmic Womb, the Great Mother. The Masculine fire brings his energy into the Cosmic Womb. When we emerge from the lodge we are reborn from the Cosmic Womb, ready to walk our holy path.

  • Laura Azevedo of Three Little Buds Farm

    Floral Workshop Facilitator

    After years of dreaming and hard work, Laura and Leo purchased land in mid-coast Maine and started Three Little Buds farm in 2022 with the intention of celebrating the beauty and magic of seasonal flowers. Each petal and every stem is a part of a human-scale regenerative farming journey.

    “It's our great joy getting to share the blooms and harvests of our small farm with our community and visitors from afar!”

  • Maria Desmond of Applecroft Catering

    Private Chef

    Sourcing local, healthy, sustainable and organic food is Maria’s passion. Bringing people together to share life and stories is her why.

    “We are all better together, serving each other as a community and food is a tool I use to enrich others lives and my own through developing relationships!”

    The sample menus already look 🔥 full of seasonal spring veggies sourced from local maine farms like Morning Dew Farm in Newcastle (25 mins from the retreat center) and Wanderwood Farm in Nobleboro (20 mins from the retreat center) . Think healthy but hearty, vibrant plant-based foods for easy digestion + further connection to the land.

  • Jackie Ottino Graf of Forage Color

    Indigo Dying Workshop Facilitator

    Jackie is a dyer from mid-coast Maine, specializing in natural plant based dyes. She works primarily in the yarn industry, consulting and dyeing for a variety of yarn brands. She offers a fun smattering of natural dye workshops, including her personal favorite, Indigo Shibori. In her spare time, she knits sweaters from the sidelines of 3 teenagers worth of sporting events.

Hear from past retreat guests

(from the fall ‘22 cohort) 💓

  • Laura, Educator, Brooklyn, NY

    Even months later, I keep coming back to a reflection Shauna led about our higher selves. Through Shauna’s words and prompts, I began the process of envisioning the life I want for myself and what version of myself will be living it. I find myself rereading my journal from the retreat when I’m feeling stuck in my present life. Our conversations really pushed me to think about my life in a way I hadn’t allowed myself to do before. It was very accessible, even for someone like me who can be sometimes feel a block to this kind of thinking — I felt challenged but incredibly safe and supported. Returning to these reflections has pushed me in the last few months to take steps towards thinking about my career and making major personal changes for my mental health and wellness. The joy and peace I felt throughout the retreat, along with our reflections, helps me move towards living the life I aspire to have while also feeling grateful for the joy that already exists.

  • Alex, Environmental Consultant, Portland, ME

    While it's difficult to put my retreat experience into words, here it goes! Shauna's super power is her attention to detail. Through her thoughtful itinerary of hiking, journaling, meditation, and more, she curated a cozy, playful, and meaningful experience for everyone in attendance. From labeling each bedroom door with handwritten notes to sourcing ingredients and snacks from local farms to using scents to enhance meditation, Shauna made each moment of the retreat feel truly special. This environment gave me the time and space to reflect on my intentions and start thinking about what is blocking me from achieving my goals. Thank you for welcoming us into your home for an unforgettable weekend!

  • Katie, UX Designer, Boston, MA

    What a transformative experience! Now a few weeks out from Maine Moon, I find myself calling upon the lessons I learned during the retreat daily -- about consistent investment in personal growth, shedding the self-doubt in my creativity, and finding joy and calm in the seemingly mundane. This retreat was something very new for me, and I didn't quite know what to expect; perhaps some nice time outdoors, introspective moments, and good food. But this retreat was all that I expected and so much more -- I felt welcomed and at ease the moment I arrived, and felt myself really lean into the experiences that Shauna so thoughtfully curated for us. I left the retreat not only with warm thoughts of an incredibly joyful and trust-filled weekend, but also with a renewed focus on how to continue making progress towards my own personal goals. Thank you Shauna!

  • Roxy, Boston, MA

    Shauna has a gift for creating space that makes you feel safe, invited, and empowered. This retreat was no different. Through thoughtful meditation prompts, farm-fresh meals, and curated bonding experiences, Shauna allowed us to reflect on our intentions as well as left us in a child-like state of wonder. This retreat really encompassed what Maine is about - wild nature, delicious local food, and laughter with close friends. Thank you, Shauna! Can't wait for the next one :)

  • Holly, Associate, Boston, MA

    Shauna has a true gift in making people feel comfortable and creating a true sense of intentional community within the environments she is in. The Maine Moon Retreat was masterfully organized, with subtle touches that enhanced the experience because of Shauna’s thoughtful planning and attention to detail. Time absolutely flew throughout the weekend; I was having so much fun! I left feeling refreshed, joyful, and with a special shared experience with amazing people that I hope to remember for a long time!

  • Danielle, Associate, Boston, MA

    From the second I arrived, I felt completely at home during the retreat. Shauna created an environment that made me feel grounded and secure, which allowed me to reflect on myself and my intentions. After a weekend filled with laughter, local, fresh food, hiking, meditation, and so much more, I left feeling grateful, energized, and joyful. Thank you, Shauna!

🍁 See pics from the Fall 2022 MMR 🌛