Shauna Yuan about me

Hi, I’m Shauna.

I am so happy you are here and am so looking forward to holding space for you.

I’ve always been very sensitive and (over time) have learned that it’s not a weakness but rather a very powerful skill. I’m so excited to offer my support as you clarify pathways to connect where you are now and where you’d like to be. There is no change too big or small. 

I grew up in a family of artists, studied art history, and worked in the art world (plus a brief stint on an organic farm and at a tech startup). Whether it was my nature or upbringing, I’ve become very attuned to color, energy, feelings, and representation. Long story short, after my own transformative journey (that is ongoing of course) finding my own voice, confidence, boundaries, and self-love, it feels so good to have built up a strong foundation of knowing myself and my desired relation to the world so I can be a space holder for wherever you are on your path.

Coaching is a partnership. Even if you can’t see it now, you truly have all the answers within you. Instead of telling you what to do, I’ll channel what needs to be asked to release old programming that is holding you back from achieving your wildest desires and dreams.

You can expect transformation just by saying yes to investing in yourself. :) But also know that this type of work is like gardening. After planting your seeds, you might not see anything happening on the surface right away even though so much change is happening just below ground.

After testing out many different coaching / healing practices, products, and experiences myself, it’s so crystal clear that real, sustainable, foundational change happens slowly, step by step, over time. If you’re willing to accept the commitment to baby steps maintained over time in exchange for true life transformation, then coaching can work really well for you.

I currently offer:

1.) 1:1 coaching online and in person in midcoast, maine (book your complimentary 30 min intro call to get some free coaching in right away!)

2.) the maine moon retreat (may 11 - may 15, 2023) - join me and 4-6 other women at my home in the mid-coast for a couple days of fun slumber party vibes mixed with plenty of opportunities to go deeper into your growth journey (book a 30 min connection call to see if this retreat is right for you)

Can’t wait to meet you <3

